Wind Engineering Information Center
Wind Pressure Database:
A collection of data on aerodynamic pressures acting on various objects, including low-rising building, high-rise building and dome-like structures. |
Database of Isolated Low-Rise Building Without Eaves:
A collection of data on aerodynamic pressures acting on low-rising building without eaves. |
Database of Isolated Low-Rise Building With Eaves:
A collection of data on aerodynamic pressures acting on low-rising building with eaves. |
Database of Non-isolated Low-Rise Building :
A collection of data on aerodynamic pressures acting on non-isolated low-rising building. |
Database of Cross Ventilation:
Results obtained from CFD simulations, including mean velocity vectors, contours of wind pressure coefficient and stream tubes. Experimental data is under construction. |
Database of Indoor/Outdoor Air Pollution:
A collection of data on Indoor/Outdoor pollution. |
IT Contents:
Lectures given by the COE members and a collection of COE open seminars. |
Meteological Data (Wind Hazard) of APEC economics:
A collection of wind hazard maps, records of damages and losses caused by winds and, design wind speed. |
Reports on wind disasters in APEC economies:
Aftermath of typhoon - property losses and economy losses are investigated. |
Other wind loading related issues. |
Prof. Modi Commemoration Hall: