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(1) COE Advanced School on Computational Wind Engineering |
July 14-15, 2006 |
Atsugi Park Hotel, Atsugi-city, Kanagawa, Japan |
Left: Prof. Robert N. Meroney (Colorado State University, USA) |
Right: Prof. Siva Parameswaran (Texas Tech University, USA)
Lecture Contents |
Siva Parameswaran: |
Robert N. Meroney: |
Computational wind engineering
(2) COE Advanced School on Wind Effects on Buildings and Urban Environment |
March 5-9 , 2007 |
Tokyo International Forum, Japan |
From Left: |
John D. Holmes (JDH Consulting, Australia) |
Ahsan Kareem (University of Notre Dame, USA) |
Michael Kasperski (Ruhr University, Germany) |
Kenny C.S. Kwok (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) |
Masaru Matsumoto (Kyoto University, Japan) |
Giovanni Solari (University of Genova, Italy) |
Yukio Tamura (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan) |
From Left: |
David Etheridge (University of Nottingham, UK) |
Shinsuke Kato (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan) |
Akashi Mochida (Tohoku University, Japan) |
William Nazaroff (University of California, USA) |
Massaki Ohba (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan) |
Michael Schatzmann (University of Hamburg, Germany) |
Charles J. Weschler (UMDNJ/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School & Rutgers University, USA) |
Ryuichiro Yoshie (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan)
Lecture Contents |
Course A - Structural field
John D. Holmes |
Winds loads on lattice structures and long-span roofs
Internal pressures of buildings
Aerodynamics of wind born debris and measures
Ahsan Kareem |
Computational tools for wind engineering 1
Computational tools for wind engineering 2
Control of wind-induced responses
Michael Kasperski |
Wind loads on low-rise buildings 1
Wind loads on low-rise buildings 2
Kenny C.S. Kwok |
Aerodynamics of tall buildings
Wind reduced responses of full-scale buildings and structures
Habitability of buildings to wind-induced motion
Masaru Matsumoto |
Giovanni Solari |
Closed form solutions of wind-excited response of structures 1
Closed form solutions of wind-excited response of structures 2
Wind-induced fatigue problems
Yukio Tamura |
Extreme winds and damage assessment
Monitoring techniques in wind engineering
Course B - Environmental field |
David Etheridge |
Design procedures for natural ventilation
Scale modeling of natural ventilation
Theoretical modelling of envelop flow - steady and unsteady
External wind effects on flow through stacks and small opening
Shinsuke Kato |
Amazing world of CFD - Applications concerning building environmental engineers
Ventilation efficiency analysis with CFD and its application to buildings
Akashi Mochida |
Modeling of turbulent flow in urban area with various small scale flow obstacles
Management and design of urban climate based on the heat balance analysis of outdoor space
William Nazaroff |
Primary and secondary air pollutants from indoor use of cleaning products and air fresheners
Particle deposition on indoor surfaces
Massaki Ohba |
Analysis of airflow of wind-driven cross-ventilated buildings based on CFD and wind tunnel experiments
Study on predicting wind-driven cross ventilation flow rates and discharge coefficients based on Local Dynamic Similarity Model
Michael Schatzmann |
Dispersion of air pollutants within the urban canopy layer 1
Dispersion of air pollutants within the urban canopy layer 2
Charles J. Weschler |
Chemical reactions involving indoor pollutants
Ozone's impact on public health - contributions from indoor exposures to ozone and products of ozone-initiated chemistry
Ryuichiro Yoshie |
Guideline for practical application of CFD to prediction of wind environment and air quality around buildings
Simultaneous measuring technique of fluctuating velocity, temperature and concentration, and uncertainty in the measurement
(3) COE Advanced School on
Wind Resistant Design of Buildings and Structures |
November 21-23 , 2007 |
Tongji University, China |
From Left: |
Yaojun Ge (Tongji University, China) |
John D. Holmes (JDH Consulting, Australia) |
Ahsan Kareem (University of Notre Dame, USA) |
Michael Kasperski (Ruhr University, Germany) |
Kenny C.S. Kwok (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) |
Giovanni Solari (University of Genova, Italy) |
Yukio Tamura (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan) |
Lecture Contents |
Yaojun Ge |
Wind resistant design of long-span bridges
John D. Holmes |
Winds loads on lattice structures and long-span roofs
Internal pressures of buildings
Aerodynamics of wind born debris and measures
Ahsan Kareem |
Computational tools for wind engineering 1
Computational tools for wind engineering 2
Control of wind-induced responses
Michael Kasperski |
Wind loads on low-rise buildings 1
Wind loads on low-rise buildings 2
Kenny C.S. Kwok |
Aerodynamics of tall buildings
Wind reduced responses of full-scale buildings and structures
Habitability of buildings to wind-induced motion
Masaru Matsumoto |
Giovanni Solari |
Closed form solutions of wind-excited response of structures 1
Closed form solutions of wind-excited response of structures 2
Wind-induced fatigue problems
Yukio Tamura |
Extreme winds and damage assessment
Monitoring techniques in wind engineering
(4) COE Advanced School on
Environmental Wind Engineering
December 6-8, 2007 |
Soongsil University, Korea |
From Left: |
Young-Duk Kim (Kwandong University, Korea) |
Ryuichiro Yoshie (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan) |
Akashi Mochida (Tohoku University, Japan) |
Massaki Ohba (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan) |
David Etheridge (University of Nottingham, UK) |
Shinsuke Kato (University of Tokyo, Japan) |
Michael Schatzmann (University of Hamburg, Germany) |
Sang Joon Lee (Pohang University of Science & Technology, Korea) |
Lecture Contents |
Young-Duk Kim |
Wind tunnel tests for natural ventilation
Ryuichiro Yoshie |
Guideline for practical application of CFD to prediction of wind environment and air quality around buildings
Technique for Simultaneously Measuring
Fluct uat i ng Velocit y, Temperat u re and Concentration in Non-isothermal Flow
Akashi Mochida |
Modeling of turbulent flow in urban area with various small scale flow obstacles
Management and design of urban climate based on the heat balance analysis of outdoor space
Massaki Ohba |
Analysis of airflow of wind-driven cross-ventilated buildings based on CFD and wind tunnel experiments
Study on predicting wind-driven cross ventilation flow rates and discharge coefficients based on Local Dynamic Similarity Model
David Etheridge |
Design procedures for natural ventilation
Scale modeling of natural ventilation
Theoretical modelling of envelop flow - steady and unsteady
External wind effects on flow through stacks and small opening
Shinsuke Kato |
Amazing world of CFD - Applications concerning building environmental engineers
Ventilation efficiency analysis with CFD and its application to buildings
Michael Schatzmann |
Dispersion of air pollutants within the urban canopy layer
Sang Joon Lee |
Advanced experimental techniques (particle
image velocimetry, pressure sensitive paint, etc)
for wind engineering experiments
Practical evaluation of wind environments
inside factory buildings and outdoor open space
in urban area