
第2回 自然換気に関する国際ワークショップ

会  場:日本建築会館大ホEル
主  催:東京工芸大学21世紀COEプログラム、国土交通省 国土技術総合研究所、
      独立行政法人 建築研究所、東京理科大学
後  援:社団法人 日本建築学会、財団法人 建築環境・省エネルギー機構、


2005年12月1日,2日に,日本建築会館・大ホールにて「第2回 自然換気に関する国際ワークショップ」が開催された。このシンポジウムは,国土交通省国土技術総合研究所,独立行政法人建築研究所,東京理科大学,東京工芸大学COEプログラムの4機関の共催によるもので,自然換気・通風分野において情報を共有し,研究・実務の一層の展開を図ることを目的として開催された。
本ワークショップでは,「風圧・気流性状」「レビュー」「モデリング」「排熱」「単一開口換気」のセッションにおいて,海外からの招待講演者による講演を含め,計16の講演が行われた。また,ワークショップ2日目の午後には,「Natural Ventilation for Passive Cooling and Its Regional Feasibility」と題したパネルディスカッションが行われ,各パネリストから各国の自然換気設計に関する基準や導入例の紹介が行われたほか,会場からの質問に応じて,自然換気のための開口に関する適切な大きさの設計方法,自然換気に居住者がどのようにかかわるべきかの課題,自然換気のコストを中心に活発な議論が行われた。

           会場の様子                      パネルディスカッション

1 December (First day)
Keynote speech

Richard Aynsley (Delt T Corporation, USA)
Indoor Wind Speed Coefficients For Estimating Summer Comfort

Wind Pressure and Airflow Characteristics
Nigel Wright (University of Nottingham, UK)
Unsteady CFD Simulations for Natural Ventilation
Takao Sawachi (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan)
Wind Pressure Coefficient for Different Building Configurations with and without an Adjacent Building
Tomoyuki Endo (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Improvement of Prediction Accuracy for Wind Pressure Distribution and Development of Simulator for Indoor Air Flow Distribution Induced by Cross-Ventilation

State-of-the-art review
Per Heiselberg (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Wind Driven Natural Ventilation  EEvaluation of the Classical Approach
Ted Stathopoulos (Concordia University, Canada)
Contribution To Natural Ventilation Design

Takashi Kurabuchi (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
A Study on the Effects of Porosity on Discharge Coefficient in Cross-Ventilated Buildings Based on Wind Tunnel Experiment
Hisashi Kotani (Osaka University, Japan)
Simultaneous Calculation of Inflow Direction and Flow rate at Cross Ventilated Large Opening
James Axley (Yale University, USA)
Mechanical Energy Power Balances for Building Airflow Analysis
Masaaki Ohba (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan)
Experimental Study on Predicting Wind-Driven Cross-Ventilation Flow Rates and Discharge Coefficients Based on Local Dynamic Similarity Model

2 December (Second day)
Panel discussion
“Natural Ventilation for Passive Cooling and Its Regional Feasibility"

Coordinator: Shuzo Murakami (Keio University, President of AIJ, Japan)
Keynote speech
Martin Liddament (VEETECH Ltd., UK)

A Review of Natural and Hybrid Ventilation Case Study Buildings
Short presentations
Katashi Matsunawa (Nikken Sekkei Ltd., Japan)

Report on Natural Ventilation Design in Japan
Short presentations
Richard Aynsley (Delta T Corporation, USA)
Natural Ventilation in Australia
Short presentations
Ted Stathopoulos (Concordia University, Canada)
Report on Natural/Hybrid Ventilation Feasibility in Canada
Short presentations
James W. Axley (Yale University, USA)
U.S. Natural & Hybrid Ventilation: Climate Suitability & Case Studies
Short presentations
Yuguo Li (University of Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong)
Application of Natural Ventilation in Buildings in China and Hong Kong SAR
Short presentations
Per Heiselberg (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Passive and Natural Cooling in Scandinavia

Heat removal
Yuguo Li (University of Hong Kong, China)
Thermal Mass Design in Buildings  EHeavy or Light?
Tatsuo Nagai (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Windows and HVAC Operation to Reduce Cooling Requirement by Means of Cross-Ventilation
Shigeki Nishizawa (Building Research Institute, Japan)
Mixing Property and the Heat Exhaust Effect under Cross Ventilation in a Full-Scale Experimental Model

Single opening
Shinsuke Kato (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Wind Tunnel Experiment on Characteristics of Ventilation with Single-Sided Opening in Uniform Flow
Toshio Yamanaka (Osaka University, Japan)
Natural Ventilation of the Room with a Single Opening  EWind-forced Ventilation Caused by Turbulence through a Single Opening