The registration fee for CWE2006 will be 60,000JP¥ (555US$) (early registration) for full-fee-paying registrants if registration is made before May 31, 2006, and will be 65,000JP¥ (600US$) after June 1, 2006. JAWE members will be allowed a reduced rate as for early registration. A reduced rate of 30,000JP¥ (280US$) will be allowed for full-time students. These prices include the symposium materials (proceedings, list of participants, etc.), welcome reception, lunch and banquet. On-site registration will be possible if symposium seats are still unfilled. Notification of cancellation must be made in writing to the Secretariat.
Each contribution must be accompanied by (at least) one separate registration, in order for the presentation to be included in the symposium program and in the proceedings. |