COE International Advanced School on Computational Wind Engineering

Host Organization
東京工芸大学 21世紀COEプログラム

The 21st century COE(Center of Excellence) program "Wind effects on buildings and urban environment"
at Tokyo Polytechnic University

Prof. Robert N. Meroney (Colorado State University)
Prof. Siva Parameswaran (Texas Tech University)
Date and Venue
日時:2006年7月14日,15日  Date: July 14-15, 2006
会場:神奈川県厚木市厚木ロイヤルパークホテル(会場:2階 暁)
Venue: 2nd Floor, Atsugi Royal Park Hotel, Atsugi, Kanagawa
Program (Tentative)

July 14 10:00-13:00 Lecturer: Prof. Siva Parameswaran
Lecture 1: Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Conservation Laws of Fluid Motion
Lecture 3: Computational Techniques
Lecture 4: Numerical Solution of 1D, Unsteady Diffusion Equation

July 14 14:00-17:00 Lecturer: Prof. Robert N. Meroney
Lecture 5: CFD and Wind Engineering: Special concerns for modeling atmospheric flows: Boundary conditions, inlet conditions, spatial resolution, etc. validation and verification issues.
Lecture 6: CFD modeling of Cladding Loads and Wind Forces
Lecture 7: CFD modeling of Atmospheric Dispersion: Isolated plumes, Line sources, and Drift

July 15 10:00-13:00 Lecturer: Prof. Siva Parameswaran
Lecture 8: Numerical Solution of 2D, Convection-Diffusion Equation
Lecture 9: Solution of Discretised Equations
Lecture 10: Staggered grid Formulation for steady, one-dimensional inviscid flow

July 15 14:00-17:00 Lecturer: Prof. Robert N. Meroney
Lecture 11: CFD modeling of Pedestrian Comfort Winds
Lecture 12: CFD modeling of Smoke and Fire within Buildings
Lecture 13: CFD modeling of Smoke and Fire in Forests and Urban Canopies

You can download the program of CFD-AS from here. (Program)



東京工芸大学 21世紀COEプログラム事務局(小泉)
TEL&FAX 046-242-9540
This symposium and COE program at Tokyo Polytechnic University are selected and supported by ministry of education of Japan as the 21st Century COE Program(in Japanese).